This challenge is to see if your mega-retailer's chatbot can answer the following ten questions and offer practical advice.
First, here's what you need to know:
This facility includes an office area, factory, and warehouse.
With the stage set, here are the questions:
- Mr. Chatbot, regarding our factory floor, how often should we refinish it? Once a year? Twice per year? More often?
- Which disinfectant should we use, or do we even need a disinfectant?
- How many paper products should we order at a time? We don't want to run short, but we also don't want to order too much.
- Our in-house cleaners have multiple cleaning products that do the same thing, but it’s costing us a lot of money. Mr. Chatbot, help us select one product that everyone will like?
- My boss asked me to get us involved with the AbilityOne program, but I don't know what it is or where to start. Help.
- Someone was injured in the warehouse. Afterwards, we realized we lack adequate safety supplies. Mr. Chatbot, please help us select the best safety supplies for our entire organization?
- I need to compare our supply costs with similar organizations. Could you assist me with this?
- We purchased an IoT-operated floor machine from a mega-retailer, but our in-house cleaners don't know how to use it. Mr. Chatbot, do you know anyone who can help us?
- We are still facing intermittent supply chain problems. Mr. Chatbot, what do you suggest we do?
- We want to become Greener, and more sustainability focused. How do we start? What products should we select?
AFFLINK's Answer to All These Questions
Find an independent distributor, such as an AFFLINK affiliated independent distributor, in your area. Unlike mega retailer chatbots, a living, breathing independent distributor can help you with most all your business supply needs. |
As “The Home of the Independent,” AFFLINK connects more than 250 manufacturers of Industrial Packaging, Facility Maintenance, Food Service, Safety, and Office Supply solutions with more than 300 independent distributors. AFFLINK ( is the critical link, offering clients innovative products - and for distributors - market expertise and improved profitability, all of which is fuelled by leading-edge information technology.